

我们看到不同类型的窗户, in all facets of our life: windshields, 建筑, 房子的窗户, 等等....... But what are the differences in these materials?

Many types of glass are used in everyday materials. Tempered glass and laminated glass are the most widely used in commercial, 住宅, 汽车制造业. Tempered glass is created by reheating basic glass and rapidly cooling it to cause compression, which leads to a state of internal tension in the material. Tempering the glass makes it about five times stronger than basic glass. This type of glass is typically used in areas where high amounts of stress are applied: entrance doors, 滑动玻璃门, 桌面, 和天窗. Its ability to withstand shattering is ideal for these uses. 夹层玻璃是将两层玻璃夹在聚乙烯醇丁醛(PVB)片之间制成的. This glass sandwich is then subjected to high heat and pressure, creating a very strong product capable of resisting tremendous force. When force is applied to laminated glass, it does not shatter into a million jagged pieces. Instead, it breaks into pebble-like fragments, decreasing the chance of injury. 汽车 glass is composed of both laminated and tempered glass. 挡风玻璃是由层压制成的, shatterproof glass whereas rear and side windows are made of strong tempered glass.

Why is automotive glass testing important? 

Safety is the main reason for automotive glass testing. im体育APP提供汽车玻璃测试服务,帮助您确保您的产品符合相关法规和最高安全标准, 给你确定性, you need to get your products to market. We test glazing materials used in motor vehicles against the requirements of ANSI Z26.1, the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205 (FMVSS 205), ECE R43, and other standards recognized by the US Department of 运输 (DOT). Our tests help reduce injuries when glazing material is broken, help protect the vehicle’s structure and occupants when involved in collisions, and ensure that vehicle windows have a necessary degree of transparency for driver visibility. 我们的目标是确保您使用的玻璃材料能够承受车辆在其使用寿命中遇到的不同形式的应变.


Laminated safety glass testing of 42 samples

The laboratory received 42 samples for testing. The tests were performed in accordance with ANSI Z26.1-1996和FMVSS 205, AS-1 (Rev . 1). 二八年十月一日). 提交的样本为0.277” / 7.4毫米厚。 36 - 12“x 12”平 4 - 12“x 12”弯曲 4 - 4“x 4”平 The samples were subjected to numerous test methods: 光稳定性 透光率 湿度 煮 冲击(飞镖,30英尺落差) 冲击(球,30英尺落差) 光学偏差 and visibility distortion 耐磨性 贯入阻力 Each sample was identified and marked for reference.

光稳定性 and luminous transference

三(3)个12“x 12”英寸的平面样品在正常入射下使用ICI“光源A”进行常规(平行)透光率测试,照射前后的光源相当于指定的Uviarc实验室设备,按指定操作100小时. 将标本放置在距离光源9英寸的地方,并保持在110±3°F的温度下. After the second transmittance measurements were made, the same three irradiated specimens were immersed, 垂直于边缘, 在150°F的水中浸泡三分钟,然后转移到沸水中,同样浸泡10分钟. The specimens were then removed and visually inspected for delamination and clouding. Post-test results indicated no discoloration or clouding, verifying sample compliance.


Three (3) 12” x 12” inch flat specimens were stored for 2 weeks in a humidity cabinet over water, 在120 - 130华氏度的气温下. Post-test results did not indicate any separation or visible 缺陷 in the samples.


三(3)个12“x 12”英寸的平板样品垂直浸入150°F的水中3分钟,然后以同样的方式快速浸入沸水中. The specimens were then boiled for two hours. Post-test results did not indicate any cracking, bubbles, or visible 缺陷.


5(5)个12“x 12”英寸的样品被分离,并在70-85°F的温度下保存至少4小时,然后立即进行测试. 对于每个测试, the specimens were supported horizontally in a steel frame made in accordance with Fig.守则第1条. A 7-ounce steel dart, made in accordance with Fig. 守则第3条, 从30英尺高的地方掉下来, 一次, 自由自在地休息着, 飞镖的鼻部撞击标本,距离标本中心不到1英寸,而该标本将被玻璃化到车辆外部. 测试后的结果显示,除了镖刺穿的区域外,没有任何松动或分离的碎片. 镖撞击产生的孔足够大,可以让镖体穿过试样. No specimens produced any large pieces when broken.


12(12) 12“x 12”英寸的样品被分离,并在70-85°F的温度下保存至少4小时,然后立即进行测试. The specimens were supported horizontally in a steel frame made in accordance with Fig. 守则第1条. 半磅的固体, 光滑的, 钢球掉了30英尺, 一次, 自由自在地休息着, 将样品打在离中心1英寸以内的表面上,该表面将被玻璃覆盖到车辆外部. The ball was allowed to make only one impact on the specimen. 测试后的结果显示,没有任何样品破裂成大块或形成一个洞,球可以通过. 没有任何样本显示在撞击点对面有超过1平方英寸的增强材料面积,或者玻璃与增强材料的总分离达到3平方英寸.


10(10) 12“x 12”英寸的平面和3(3)12“x 12”英寸的弯曲样品被遮挡在所有边缘1英寸内,并单独放置在距离照图构造的照明箱表面25英尺处. 守则第4条. 他们被放置,使被检查的标本区域将在光源和审查员的眼睛(只有一只眼睛)之间的视线范围内,并且检查标本的整个未被遮挡的区域. 后测试结果并没有表现出移动的二次图像超出切点与圆的内缘.


使用指定的投影仪和屏幕在一个黑暗的房间里相距25英尺,投影仪聚焦在屏幕上, 用于光学偏差测试的相同样品分别放置在尽可能靠近屏幕的地方,并以5英寸的步骤向投影仪移动,并保持与屏幕平行. When light and dark patches began to appear throughout the entire unmasked area of the specimens’ shadow, the distance from the screen to the specimen was recorded. 在标本被移离屏幕超过25英寸之前,测试后的结果没有显示整个区域存在任何浅色或深色斑块.


Three (3) 4” x 4” inch flat specimens were tested for abrasion by means of a Taber Abraser. 样品6.0mm thick, representative of the exterior layer were tested. With a load of 500 grams on each CS-10F Calibrase Wheel, samples were subjected to 1000 cycles and operated in accordance with the Code. Haze measurements were made in accordance with Code procedure for Test No. 17 before and after subjecting the specimens to abrasion, by means of a Pivotable-Sphere Hazemeter constructed in accordance with Fig. 守则第6条. 从所需的测量, the percent of haze before abrasion and the scattered light and haze after abrasion were calculated. The light scattered as a result of abrasion, and the arithmetic mean were computed in accordance with the Code. 试验后的结果符合算术平均值,三个试样由于磨损而散射的光的百分比不超过2.0%.


将10(10)个12“x 12”英寸的平面样品分离,并在70-85°F的温度下保存至少4小时,然后立即进行测试. 根据图3所示,在钢架中,试样基本上被支撑在水平位置.守则第1条. 5磅±0.5盎司固体, 光滑的 steel sphere was dropped from a height of 12 feet, 一次, 自由自在地休息着, 撞击样品表面的近似几何中心,这将成为车辆内部的玻璃. 测试后的结果显示,没有任何试样能在撞击后的5秒内让球完全穿过试样, 要么被描述为刺穿标本,要么被描述为将标本断裂成相对较大的碎片,然后折叠到一边,允许球通过.


The following test equipment was calibrated to testing standards:

  • 加速风化 测试人员
  • 辐照度校准器
  • 规模
  • Byk Gardner Haze-Gard
  • 阴霾的标准
  • 透光率标准
  • Fisher Scientific Digital Thermometer


im体育APP’s experts provide glass testing services to clients in the automotive, railway, military and marine industries, delivering data on time and first-time-right. For more information about our automotive glass testing services or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.

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im体育APP提供汽车玻璃测试服务,确保您的玻璃材料在ANSI Z26下的坚固性.1、FMVSS 205和ECE R43.



im体育APP's comprehensive battery testing to UN 38.3, UL 2580, IEC 60095, ECE R100中, 更多的帮助你带来安全, 质量, 并将产品推向市场.




氙弧640 x 480


im体育APP is at the cutting-edge of accelerated exposure testing, providing xenon arc testing to clients in the textile, 聚合物, 油漆, 汽车工业. 


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.