We'll help you confirm the identity and composition of chemical substances and materials used in your manufacturing processes and products.

Characterize materials of all classes for identification, 纯度, 属性, 杂质 and more with im体育APP's full complement of testing capabilities. You'll benefit from our molecular characterization laboratory's experience analyzing polymers, 溶剂, 小分子, 药品, 杂质, 未知数, and additives to identify molecular structure and molecular weight. Our microscopy and thermal/mechanical analysis laboratories can provide analysis to give thermal 属性, mechanical 属性, or material morphology. 最后, our separations laboratories can provide 纯度 information, as well as quantitate 杂质, 活性物, 或添加剂. Partner with im体育APP to analyze a range of materials, including: 

  • 塑料
  • Contaminants and 杂质
  • Active ingredients
  • 聚合物添加剂
  • Pharmaceutical materials
  • 填料
  • 溶剂
  • Small and intermediate molecules
  • Unknown materials

Chemical analysis capabilities and methods

A thorough understanding of the type and quantity of the chemical constituents of a material is the first step to ensuring product quality. Chemical testing is also vital for contaminant detection and residue analysis, formulation and de-formulation, 质量控制分析, and failure investigations. 

Our chemical analysis laboratories house a wide array of analytical equipment, including advanced spectroscopy systems, and our team of chemists is highly-trained and skilled at applying a combination of chemical characterization techniques to assist with the analysis. 

Our analyzing methods provide a comprehensive chemical characterization of substances and materials, ensuring the safety and therapeutic effect of the final product. Our areas of expertise include: 

The im体育APP advantage

Our chemical characterization services are tailored to your precise requirements, leveraging the extensive expertise and skilled resources at our disposal. Identify the contents and composition of various materials and substances in your products with chemical characterization testing. You'll have confidence in the safety and quality of your products when you partner with im体育APP

To learn more about chemical characterization testing and analysis, or to speak with one of our chemists, im体育APP 今天.

making certain for nearly 190 years




Find out how im体育APP's chemistry teams work with our customers to identify the contents, composition and quality of materials they develop and manufacture.


Medical Device 测试

As a comprehensive testing partner, you’ll enjoy the benefit of a single supplier source for all of your testing needs, from mechanical testing and environmental simulation to EMC and wireless device testing.

Pharmaceutical 测试 scientific equipment

Trace Metal Services

im体育APP is a recognized world-leader in trace metal analysis, providing testing for elemental 杂质 by ICPOES and ICPMS in compliance with USP, EP (2.4.20), and ICH Q3D guidelines.

im体育APP Global 测试 and Approvals Conference


Discover blog posts, 文章, 白皮书, 在线研讨会, and advice from our world-leading testing, 检查, and certification experts.


Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.