医疗im体育平台app下载熟悉在手术室和实验室环境中使用高压灭菌器进行灭菌. 然而, 医疗器械im体育平台app下载最近的一个趋势是评估反复高压釜灭菌循环后可重复使用的医疗器械对识别标记和功能的环境影响. 

可重复使用医疗器械验证打算遵循标准清洁程序, 并在高压灭菌器中反复循环部件,使仪器暴露在周期性环境老化中. 高压灭菌器环境室中的测试仪器将仪器的整体寿命压缩到几周.  

Reusable medical device validation evaluates instrument dimensions, functionality, and susceptibility to corrosion or chemical breakdown over time. 了解设备或仪器的性能有助于在产品需要停止使用之前确定其生命周期. 

Identification wear and discoloration

唯一设备标识(UDI)法规要求医疗设备在设备标签和包装上包含唯一的设备标识符,以跟踪设备从制造到生命周期结束. 全球唯一设备标识数据库(GUDID)管理与此UDI绑定的设备信息. 标签需要标记在设备上以保持可追溯性,并且应该在其整个生命周期中以纯文本形式可读以及机器可读. These regulations are currently in place in the US, with 欧洲 adding UDI requirements to align with those around the world.

随着新的MDR法规要求所有可重复使用的医疗器械都标有UDI号码, 反复暴露在蒸汽灭菌循环中有可能降解或磨损标识标签. 使用高压灭菌器进行可重复使用的医疗器械验证不仅有助于确定器械本身的生命周期,还有助于确定所需标签标记的生命周期. If a mark is worn or degrades to a point where it is no longer readable, 这将有效地结束零件的生命周期,除非它可以很容易地重新标签.

Materials degradation or performance 

Materials used in reusable medical instruments such as polymers, 人工合成物, and metals are sensitive to moisture, 热, 和压力. 已知这些因素会加速这些材料的降解和失效. 可以应用于材料性能的观察例子是不寻常的变形, 破解, 气味, 剥, 浸出, 和残留物. Not only could the material become compromised, and therefore the instrument itself, 外观可能是一个因素,因为许多器械系列都是用颜色编码的,以便于手术时使用. 

Dimensional 检查

During use and sterilization processes, 由塑料和树脂制造的仪器可能会经历热应力和残余应力,这可能会改变设备的性能和外观. 与高压灭菌器灭菌和老化测试一起进行的尺寸测量有助于在现场使用前跟踪和表征仪器的尺寸稳定性. 应特别注意可能与实际植入物的尺寸或其他关键特征有关的尺寸. 在开发或实施新的仪器材料以及了解最大和最小材料条件和公差时,尺寸检查特别有帮助. 

Functionality testing

For complex or multi-component instrumentation, functionality articulations should be performed and assessed throughout testing. Functionality testing simulates the use of the instrument in the field. Assessments could include rotation and engagement of threaded components, locking and unlocking mechanisms, 等. Throughout functionality testing, any changes to the instrumentation, including wear marks, laser marking changes, debris generation, 或抓住, should be evaluated and documented. 最小功能循环次数可以通过检查手术次数和每月手术次数来确定. 功能测试的典型验收标准是设备在每个检查点和测试结束时是否继续按预期运行.

In addition to typical functionality testing, 可对控制仪器进行失效测试或证明测试,以评估仪器在其生命周期开始和结束时的性能.

Corrosion and debris generation

If a component fails functionality testing, an investigation as to the cause of failure should be performed. 金属材料的磨损和腐蚀碎片或聚合物的开裂和剥落都可能导致故障. Additional testing, such as chemical or particle analysis, may be beneficial to debris investigations. 产生的碎片的位置和数量可以推动设计变更并改善未来的仪器性能. 

Sample autoclave cycle parameters 

用于老化测试的高压灭菌器参数应该能够模拟灭菌过程并压缩测试时间. Specific chemical reactions are accelerated as 温度 increases. Pre or post-autoclave soaks may be included in the autoclaving process. 必须小心选择清洁溶液,以确保它不会与正在测试的材料发生反应. 量纲分析和成像可以在整个生命周期测试中进行,以跟踪生命周期进程. 使用相同的设备和设置成像有助于避免负面光线和背景对图像的影响. Typical autoclave process and settings for life cycle testing include:

  • Prewash (optional)
  • Pre-vacuum (optional, dependent on equipment)
  • Wrapped/unwrapped
  • Temperature: 270-273°F
  • Exposure time: 4-15 min
  • Drying time: 30 minutes-24 hours (depending on the application and test type)
  • Dwell time between cycles

Validating reusable medical instruments with im体育APP

模拟生命周期以评估材料和设计性能对于确保在医疗保健环境中取得成功至关重要. 可重复使用的医疗器械验证和高压灭菌器生命周期测试可以在已经使用的部件上进行, new parts in development, or worst-case instruments. Factors to consider when selecting samples for testing are material (metal vs. 非金属), single components/fixed assemblies, multi-component assemblies, the complexity of devices, and overall geometry (joints, 裂缝/差距, 流明, 等.). 在了解和预测终身性能后,为验证可重复使用的医疗器械进行初始投资可以节省成本和时间. 

im体育APP为一次性使用和可重复使用的医疗设备提供全套测试和验证服务. For more information on how we can support your next project or request a quote, contact us today. 

Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.