If you are looking for reassurance that the air in your workplace, 首页, 或者一般的环境是可以呼吸的, im体育APP’s asbestos air testing and four stage clearance can provide you with peace of mind.

Asbestos air testing or 4 stage clearance certification may be required if you are undergoing asbestos removal or remediation. Legislation and guidance require you to obtain an air test certificate, certificate of reoccupation or a statement of cleanliness to demonstrate if an area is once again suitable for reoccupation. 

Our goal is to help you achieve asbestos management compliance, 防止接触石棉, avoid the emotional consequences and severe risks associated with exposure. 




This is generally conducted when you require evidence (or a check) that fiber levels in the air are below the recommended level. Most commonly this is carried out to establish fiber concentrations before any activity which may lead to airborne asbestos contamination. It can also be used as part of an overall monitoring strategy to manage asbestos-related risks.


This form of air testing is used in order to evaluate asbestos exposure to your employees and is required in accordance with the 《im体育官方app下载》. 它可用于以下情况:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your asbestos control measures being utilized during asbestos works;
  • To assess whether the control limit is exceeded so that you can select the appropriate RPE to be used;
  • To assess that the RPE you plan to use is adequate and will provide you with the correct level of protection;
  • Provide information in relation to asbestos exposure for your medical surveillance records;
  • Provide important risk assessment details to support your current and future asbestos works.


This form of air testing is used to measure the airborne fiber concentration outside a live asbestos removal enclosure at your premises in order to determine whether the integrity of the enclosure is being maintained and that the control measures are adequate. Leakage air testing is used to support an initial smoke test and the frequent thorough visual inspections of an enclosure during removal work.


This is carried out to measure airborne fiber concentration following asbestos removal works to confirm that the residual asbestos fiber concentrations are <0.01 f /立方厘米.



Following the completion of licensed asbestos remedial works under fully enclosed conditions, 需要进行四阶段的许可程序. 这四个阶段如下:

  1. Stage One - A preliminary check of the site condition and job completeness
  2. Stage Two – A thorough visual inspection of the enclosure/work area
  3. 第三阶段-间隙空气监测
  4. Stage Four – Final assessment post enclosure/work area dismantling.

Once completed a four stage clearance certificate will be issued which will include a certificate of reoccupation that will state if the work are is safe for reoccupation. 



在UKAS认可的实验室工作, 我们的专家每天都在努力提高速度, 更精确的结果,第一次是正确的. Our engaged experts convey all our asbestos advice in line with national legislation under CAR 2012 and testing services are delivered in accordance with HSG248“分析师指南” 对抽样, analysis and clearance procedures” and are UKAS accredited to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025.

We are dedicated to providing complete management solutions through 石棉项目管理, 石棉检测, 石棉谘询服务.

For more information about our asbestos air testing services, 立即im体育APP.




Read our case study and learn how the scale and complexity of nuclear power stations are challenging environments for critical asbestos work.



在按需石棉意识网络研讨会, 亚历克斯难的, im体育APP技术专员, 了解石棉的特性, 不同的类型, 使用, 以及相关的健康危害.



Our FAQ on asbestos removal to find out about how asbestos is removed, 谁负责移除它, & 我们如何支持您清除石棉.





Our 石棉检测 labs provide a complete suite of testing and advisory services that help you achieve asbestos management compliance in buildings.



Find out how we support our customers by going beyond asbestos identification and risk assessment to assist with the big picture.



im体育APP’s 石棉检测 programs help to assess the potential presence of asbestos in soils, 石棉纤维, any asbestos-containing materials that may cause harm to people’s health.



Learn more about our UKAS-accredited 石棉项目管理 services, 包括管理调查, 项目计划, & 石棉清除管理.



im体育APP’s highly experienced team of qualified occupational hygienists specializes in delivering a range of workplace air monitoring services for use within a diverse range of operating environments.



Find out how our qualified occupational hygienists can assess indoor air quality looking at chemical, 物理, biological parameters to help our customers comply with regulations.



Find out how we help our customers protect the health of their workforce and achieve compliance with Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations.



Find out how we apply our 90 years of experience to help our customers to consistently meet the increasingly complex environmental obligations they face in the Americas, 欧洲和中东.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.