Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), we can simulate and analyze complex problems involving fluid-fluid, 流固, or fluid-气体 interaction. Our experts work across a broad range of industries and throughout the component lifecycle to help you get the best value from your assets. 

How does CFD 模拟 work?

im体育APP uses advanced computational methods to study complex fluid dynamics and heat transfer problems that affect our customer’s components and products in the environment and operating conditions.

例如, we can look at the turbulent flow on an aircraft wing section and how it behaves at different angles of incidence. The domain in this instance would be the airflow around the wing, which we would upload into our CAD software, measure and combine with boundary conditions, and pass to our experts to produce a solution. im体育APP can extract critical areas of interest, 例如, 电梯, the different angles of attack, 或者阻力理论.



Our experts can apply fluid dynamic principles to a wide range of complex, industrially relevant applications, 包括:

  • Fluid-structure interaction can help you understand the forces that would be applied to your structure due to the fluids passing over it.
  • 多相流 for situations where multiple fluids can interact with each other. These can include various liquids, liquids, 气体es, and bubble formation. 
  • 高速流 are characterized by compressibility effects such as shock waves and expansion waves.
  • 动荡 occurs at higher Reynolds numbers.
  • 传热 can be a powerful tool for many applications, including convective cooling, 蒸发冷却, and applications where a cooling process is used.


How can CFD 模拟 help your company?

Computational Fluid Dynamics can be used by many companies and in many forms of engineering to help you to increase your understanding of your designs, reduce development costs and turnaround times, and improve your products. im体育APP’s CFD analysis teams can simulate the action of thermo-fluids in a system to optimize and verify the performance of your designs before developing costly prototypes and physical tests. 它还使 非破坏性 in-service performance improvement by assessing replacement parts and upgrades.

The im体育APP Advantage

Our experts have experience with a broad range of flow types, including low- and high-speed flows; incompressible and compressible fluids; Newtonian and non-Newtonian behavior; laminar and turbulent flows; and multiphase systems.

We can use CFD 模拟 and CFD analysis to solve a variety of industrial challenges. im体育APP的专家 for further information.

数字工程 Case Study


im体育APP 数字工程 utilize modeling, 模拟, 数据科学, and other digital solutions to help our customers solve complex problems.

Read examples of our work in the following sectors: aerospace, built environment, energy, marine, mining, pharma, renewables, transport, utilities. 

We add value to your operations and we are always eager to support your next challenge.




Discrete im体育APP Method (DEM)

Our Discrete im体育APP Method (DEM) services deliver innovative solutions that have helped companies across a wide range of industries.


Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA)

im体育APP offers advanced numerical analysis services using Finite im体育APP Analysis (FEA) techniques utilizing industry leading software to predict the long term behavior of material components and products when in service.

建模 and 模拟 Services

建模 and 模拟 Services

Optimize your project with our modeling and 模拟 services. Our expertise ensures cost-effective, compliant solutions. Enhance your project today.


Join The 数字工程 Team

im体育APP 数字工程 is growing fast. We work at the forefront of im体育APP's digital transition, 提供见解, guidance and answers to complex engineering and technology challenges. Start your im体育APP journey today!


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.