im体育APP的爆炸性环境测试和认证服务提供具有成本效益, 国际公认的解决方案,为客户的产品打算进入爆炸性环境和危险场所. 


im体育APP是在潜在爆炸性或危险环境中使用的电子设备制造商的理想合作伙伴. 我们帮助各种im体育平台app下载的爆炸性环境测试和认证:

  • Petrochemical

  • 石油 and Gas

  • 矿业

  • 食物 processing

  • Aircraft refueling

  • Pharmaceuticals

Explosive atmosphere testing services 

我们的专家团队可以根据各种全球标准提供一系列爆炸性环境测试服务, including: 

  • IECEx 测试 and Certification - im体育APP provides IECEx testing and certification. IECEx是许多国家认可的国际公认的合格评定体系.

  • ATEX Certification and the ATEX Directive -作为欧洲公告机构(NB),在ATEX指令的广泛学科方面具有广泛的技术经验, im体育APP可以帮助您满足使用CE标志和独特的欧洲标志所需的所有测试要求.

  • Hazloc 测试 and Certification - We provide Hazloc assessment beyond equipment testing and certification; additionally, 我们根据北美适用的防爆标准要求,为制造商提供工厂检查和现场评估.

  • DSEAR Assessment - im体育APP可以帮助制造商了解危险物质和爆炸性环境法规(DSEAR). 在英国, 雇主必须评估和消除工作场所危险环境的安全风险, including the risks of fires, explosions and substances corrosive to metals. DSEAR风险评估符合工作场所健康和安全要求,也可用于补充欧洲ATEX指令认证和国际IECEx认证要求.

Additional services for explosive atmosphere testing environments

im体育APP is a UKAS and A2LA accredited test laboratory, a Notified Body (NB) for the ATEX Directive, an IECEx Certification Body (ExCB) and an IECEx 测试 Laboratory (ExTL). We are also a leading provider of EMC testing, Radio/Wireless testing, Safety testing, Environmental testing; we can support your product qualification and certification requirements to successfully CE标志 your products for the EU Market. 


Further capabilities - RTCA DO-160: explosive atmosphere testing for aviation

im体育APP与航空制造商合作,生产和设计可在地面飞机燃料中常见的燃料-空气爆炸性环境中运行的设备. 我们可以通过对设计用于与飞机相关的燃料-空气爆炸性环境附近的所有设备进行爆炸性环境测试来协助航空制造商, including data recorders, switch gear and hand-held units.

There are three environments (I, II, III) and three Categories (A, E, H)  within RTCA DO-160 考虑到由爆炸引起的潜在危险或引起爆炸的潜在危险:

  • A类试验——测试设备内部空气爆炸的影响,以及防止爆炸扩散到外壳外的设计能力. Tests are conducted under normal and fault conditions.

  • E类测试-该测试确保温度和火花部件在正常条件下不会点燃大气.

  • H类测试-这是一种测试,以证明在正常操作条件下没有可能引起爆炸的高温.

Further capabilities - MIL-STD 810G: explosive atmosphere testing for defense

军事应用中常用的爆炸环境试验取自MIL-STD 810G. The test method 511.5演示了设备在燃料-空气爆炸性环境中运行而不引起点火的能力. 本方法适用于设计用于与飞机有关的燃料-空气爆炸性环境附近的所有设备, automotive, marine fuels at ground/sea level.

The explosive atmosphere test is conservative. If the test item does not ignite the test fuel-air mixture, 它在使用中点燃主要燃料蒸气混合物的可能性很低. Conversely, 试验物品点燃试验燃料-空气混合物并不意味着它将总是点燃在实际使用中发生的燃料蒸气.

The test of method 511.5通常在环境压力测试完成后应用(详见MIL-STD 810G). This ensures that seals and enclosures are representative of service use. The test is usually conducted at the highest operating service ambient conditions.

im体育APP can test most equipment sizes, we specialize in testing larger items. Our engaged experts would be happy to offer advice on customized testing programs. 

The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP is a Notified Body (NB) for the ATEX Directive, IECEx认证机构(ExCB)和IECEx测试实验室(ExTL),在英国和美国设有测试设施. 我们经验丰富的测试和认证专家可以确定哪种认证方案最适合您的设备,并通过测试支持您的产品,帮助您满足当地和全球爆炸性环境保护标准和指令的要求. 


As well as being UKAS accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, im体育APP is a Notified Body for the 欧洲an Radio Equipment, EMC directives, an Approved Body for the UK Radio Equipment Regulation, EMC Regulation and Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulation, a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) for the US, 加拿大的外国认证机构(FCB)和日本的合格评定机构(CAB). im体育APP is also a certification body under the IECEE CB Scheme. 

Ready to request a quote? Our deliverable is certainty - high-quality data, 测试报告和证书,当你决定你的材料和合规性时,你可以依靠. Engage with an expert today. Contact us today.

Bird Strike and Projectile Impact 测试

虽然大多数鸟击不会影响飞机继续飞行的能力, 它们可能构成严重威胁,并有可能造成重大损害. im体育官方app下载

Key considerations for RTCA/DO-160G EMI testing

Why should you test to RTCA/DO-160G? What’s the difference between EMI and environmental testing requirements? How does RTCA/DO-160G compare to other standards?  WATCH ON DEMAND
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CE标志ing and 测试


测试 laboratory

Certification Services

im体育APP拥有一支专业团队,提供ISO 17065认证的产品和业务流程认证服务,这些服务由我们在全球的许多办事处提供.

Commercial EMC card 640x480

Commercial EMC 测试

At im体育APP, we test thousands of products every year, 具有商业和工业电子设备的电磁(EMC)测试的最大容量之一.


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