im体育APP is a global network of environmental soil analysis labs, providing accurate and reliable soil testing services across industries, 包括石油 & 气体, 工业, 商业, 农业, 政府, private customers, to help them meet regulatory requirements.

Working out of advanced testing laboratories, 我们的专家团队采用最新技术提供广泛的土壤分析服务, from toxicity testing to nutrient analysis. 由于我们的全球业务,我们肯定会在您的地区有一个土壤测试实验室, im体育APP to connect with our experts.


Comprehensive laboratory soil testing services

im体育APP在全球的土壤测试实验室分析不同类型的土壤, 沉积物, 和浪费, 再加上这些基质的可溶部分,在测试前在实验室制备渗滤液. 结果用于调查土壤营养水平和污染在绿色或棕色地, 包括 waste from processes such as production, 矿业, 采石, 或钻井. 我们与客户合作,为土壤分析提供可靠的全谱数据, 包括 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), 金属, petroleum/oil-derived compounds, 无机物, 石棉.

我们的土壤测试专家了解有效的土壤采样和处理技术的需求,为环境采样和各种测试方法的最佳实践提供建议. im体育APP悠久的历史和极高的标准使我们成为世界上最值得信赖的土壤测试公司之一.

我们的 environmental testing 实验室还与农业客户合作,确定肥料建议,并通过专家土壤分析实现最大的作物质量和收入. We help to understand soil pH, fertility, 酸度, organic matter, nutrient content, as well as any presence of potentially harmful organisms.


Soil index testing 

  • Moisture content by oven-drying method
  • Liquid limit by Cassagrande apparatus method
  • Liquid limit by cone penetrometer method
  • Plastic limit and plasticity index
  • Shrinkage characteristics by linear shrinkage
  • Density by linear measurement method
  • Particle Density by Gas Jar Method and small pyknometer method
  • Particle size distribution by sieving (wet and dry) and hydrometer method 


Soil strength test methods 

  • Unconfined compressive strength
  • Shear strength by laboratory vane method
  • 三轴压缩不排水抗剪强度(不含孔压测量)
  • 多级加载三轴压缩不排水抗剪强度(不含孔压测量)
  • Consolidated-undrained triaxial compression with pore pressure measurement
  • Consolidated-drained triaxial compression with measurement of volume change
  • 含孔隙压力测量的未固结不排水三轴压缩试验
  • Determination of shear strength by direct shear

“We are thoroughly impressed with the caliber of [...]测试 provided by im体育APP. 他们对精确和系统分析的坚定承诺是值得赞扬的. Each sample undergoes meticulous scrutiny, 在约定的周转时间内产生异常准确的结果.”


Tekcellent Private Limited

Soil permeability and compressibility tests



Soil toxicity testing

We provide soil toxicity tests for the dumping of dredged materials, in accordance with MPA requirements. These tests allow the analysis of eight heavy 金属:

  • 砷() 
  • 铜(铜)
  • 镉(Cd)
  • 铬(Cr)
  • 铅(Pb)
  • 水银(汞)
  • 锌(锌)
  • 镍(镍)


Bioaccessibility testing (UK)

im体育APP的英国实验室是该国为数不多的能够执行欧洲生物可利用性研究小组(BARGE)和美国联邦有机评估人体模拟测试(FOREhST)生物可利用性土壤测试方法的实验室之一. 生物利用度测试复制了胃肠道内的过程,以确定环境测试样品中污染物的浓度,这些污染物在摄入或吸收后将留在体内.

The BARGE method tests for 无机物 and 金属 such as arsenic, 引领, 和镉, deter矿业 the amount of these contaminants that would stay in the body. 

FOREhST方法测试有机污染物(如多环芳烃)的生物可及性,这些污染物可能对健康产生严重影响,如突变, congenital disabilities, cancer if ingested.


The im体育APP advantage 

我们的土壤测试实验室通过了国际标准ISO/IEC 17025认证,以确保我们的客户对我们土壤分析的准确可靠的测试结果完全有信心.

我们拥有各种认证,并根据各种国家和国际环境协会和监管机构/标准运营我们的土壤测试实验室. 其中包括艾伯塔省能源保护委员会(ERCB)指令, the US 环境 Protection Agency (US EPA), 及英国环境署监察认证计划(MCERTS).

To learn more about im体育APP’s laboratories and soil testing services, or to speak to one of our experts, im体育APP 今天.

Featured 服务s


Organics 测试 in Soil

Organics 测试 and Analysis in Soil

im体育APP的专家为土壤中的有机化合物提供专业的测试和分析, 包括 alcohols, 碳氢化合物, 农药, 和挥发性有机化合物.

Inorganics 测试 in Soil

Inorganics 测试 and Analysis in Soil

im体育APP的化学家为土壤中的无机化合物提供专业的测试和分析, 包括 石棉, micro and macronutrients, salinity and soil pH.

Soil Preparation

Soil Sampling and Preparation

与环境顾问合作,确保尽快准备好土壤样本, ready for testing.

Soil Sample Jars

Physical Properties of Soil 测试


agriculture farmland

Agricultural Soil 测试 服务s

我们的 农业 soil testing and analysis help determine nutrient content, soil composition, 以及其他对作物产量和质量最大化至关重要的特性.

Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)

Dioxins and Furans 测试

im体育APP offers accredited analysis of Dioxins and Furans, Dioxin-like PCBs for stack emissions, 灰, 植被, 土壤, water samples.




Microbiology and Toxicity 测试

Microbiology and Toxicity 测试

im体育APP’s experts keep abreast of the latest analytical methods, 根据客户的规格和政府法规,提供大量的测试,以确定土壤和液体中的微生物和毒性水平.

环境 testing

Asbestos in Soil 测试

im体育APP的石棉测试程序有助于评估土壤中石棉的潜在存在, 石棉 fibers, 以及任何可能对人体健康造成危害的含石棉材料.

Soil 测试 at im体育APP

Soil Salinity and pH 测试



Soil Boring 测试


Soil testing for construction

Soil 测试 for 建设



我们的 team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.